Sunday, January 31, 2010

Group Facilitation Assignment

Hello Class! I have uploaded two of the three projects in this course. These two projects are the first two that are due. They are called:

1). Group Facilitation Project
2). Movie Analysis

I have yet to upload the third and final project, which is a semester long project that you will either participate in, or observe a small group for a period of time. My hope is that you will step outside of your current small group interactions and get to know, or participate in a different small group. There will be more detail on the assignment sheet, which I will hopefully have uploaded this week. I will post a blog when that assignment is uploaded. Until then, let me know if you have any questions about the first two course assignments.

Week of January 31 - February 6

Welcome to your first week of completing assignments. Here is what's on the schedule for this week. Please be sure to pay close attention to deadlines (specifically dates AND times):

Our week started this morning, Sunday, at 12:01am and will end on Saturday at 11:59pm. Please have everything completed for this week by 11:59pm on Saturday.

1). Read Chapter 2: Groups as Systems of Interaction

2). Start working on Assignment #1 - Group Facilitation Activity. (This assignment will be emailed on to the class on Sunday, and also posted to Blackboard)

3). Complete Discussion Questions on your blog:
Answer one of the questions in its entirety in each of your three separate posts, at least 12 hours apart. Please make sure you are creating a NEW POST for each question on your blog. You MUST WAIT 12 hours from the first post in order to create a second post. The same is true for the second and third post. I will record dates and times of your posts, so make sure they are at least 12 hours apart. EACH POST MUST BE 150 WORDS OR MORE. Each post is worth a maximum of 6 points.

*1). Groups are living systems based on interdependence and interrelationships. What happens to a small group when parts of the system do not function well? Provide two examples from your own small group experiences that show the importance of understanding interdependence and interrelationships.

*2). Explain how entropy and equifinality impact small groups.

*3). Pick one concept from the reading assignment this week (Ch.2) that you found interesting or useful and and discuss it. Please discuss a concept that has not already been discussed this week so far.

5). Comments
Remember to post ONE comment ON THREE DIFFERENT BLOGS between 12:01am on Sunday and 11:59pm on Saturday. This means that you will log onto MY BLOG at: and look at the lower right and corner to see a list of your colleagues blogs. Click on those blogs, read what was posted for this week, and respond. You need to make sure that you are responding to only what was discussed THIS WEEK. Comments posted to blogs that were NOT within this week will not be counted for points. Each comment must also be a minimum of 100 words and is worth 4 points.

Note: When you leave a comment, make sure you are logged into your blogspot account. In other words, you will need to make sure your "Display Name/Alias Name" shows up on the blog you are commenting on. I record the locations, dates and times of your comments as well. Please keep record of your posts and comments.

Let me know if you have ANY questions about how blogging/discussions work.

Reminder: Check my blog everyday for updates, and check your email everyday in case there are emails you need to respond to pertaining to this course.

Happy Blogging!!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Good job!

Hello Wonderful Students!

I wanted to drop a little note commending all of you for a job well done on your blogs. I am still waiting to hear from a handful of folks, and will be getting their links on my blog as soon as I hear from them. In the meantime, I wanted to let you guys know that you are troopers! Blogging can be quite confusing at first, but this is a skill some will likely use outside of this classroom, and a skill I wanted you all to learn just for experience sake.

I know blogging and online classes for that matter can be intimidating. Thank you for sticking with it and learning about blogging and such to get going in the class. I promise, things WILL GET EASIER as the semester moves forward.

As a reminder, I'm available through Yahoo Messenger during office hours, and through email during most of the week and of course, we can always schedule a chat over the phone. In short, I'm an accessible instructor. :)

Let me know if you have any questions - I'm here to help!

Look out for my blog post tomorrow morning........

Reminder, First Assignment Due

Hello Folks!

I have been returning hundreds of emails this week trying to get each student established in the course.

By tonight at 11:59pm you should have sent me in an email:

*Your name
*Phone number
*Alias Name
*Blog Address

You should have also posted your introductory post to your blog.

In case there is any confusion, here is how you create a new post:

*Log into your blogger account
*Click "New Post"
*Type a Title
*Type your post into the big box
*Click "Publish Post"

If you do not Publish Post, your post will not become public.

For the upcoming discussion week, you will do the same thing for each question I pose, but you will write and publish your posts at least 12 hours apart. (See the "Participation Page" on Blackboard for more detail about participation in this course).

I will be checking my email on and off today, so email me with any questions.

Tomorrow morning I will post what is due for this coming week, so check my blog early tomorrow for the assignment summary (which is simply a summary from the Schedule and Participation Pages on Blackboard).

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Furlough Day and Reminders

Hello All!

Tomorrow is supposed to be a furlough day. However, I will be returning emails in the morning and will be taking the rest of the day as a furlough day. I normally will not participate in University business on a furlough day, but since I set a deadline for tonight at 11:59pm and it is the first week of class, I will answer emails tomorrow. Any emails sent today will be returned tomorrow (Thursday).

Reminder: If you are just logging onto my blog for the first time, please read all previous posts.

I will resume official work for the University on Friday.

Have a good evening folks......


Hello All!

I have already started to receive your blog addresses. Many thanks to those that have already submitted the required information. As a reminder, by Saturday (and hopefully sooner since this first assignment takes very little time), please submit to me:

*Your full name
*Alias Name
*Link to your blog
*Phone number (most accessible phone number)
*Post to your blog the required introductory post

Check your Display Name:
Please go to the "Getting Started" page on Blackboard to find instructions about how to check your Display Name.

Links to your blog:
Once you send me your blog address I will add a link to your blog located on the right hand side of my blog. You should be able to click on your Display Name and it will take you directly to your blog.

Introductory Posts:
Once you have created your blog, please post your introductory post ASAP. Sometimes blogger (blog spot) will flag a blog that has been created but not used. In order to avoid this, please post your introductory post to your blog when you create it.

How to post to your blog:
Once you have created your blog and posted your introductory post, sign out. Go ahead and sign back in to your blogger account and hit "new post". This will create a new blog post. DO NOT HIT CREATE NEW BLOG - this will actually create a whole different blog. You are simply POSTING to your blog, NOT creating a new blog.

When you comment on a classmate's blog, or even my blog for that matter, your Display Name should show up. This is how I track blog posts and comments. You must be logged into your blogger (blog spot) account in order for your Display Name to show up. Whenever you leave a comment, please make sure you are logged into your blogger account and then comment so your Display Name shows up. Feel free to play around with commenting this week by commenting on your classmate's blogs and of course my blog. If you are having issues, please email me.

Start Checking Out Other Blogs:
Please start checking out your classmates blogs. Again, the list of class blogs is found on the right hand side of my blog. You can simply click on any blog link, read it and comment on it. Start to get to know your classmates by welcoming them to class. In essence, you are greeting your classmates by doing this - and don't we all like to be friendly? ;)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week of January 26-30

I post to my blog numerous times each week, the first of which will likely be on Sunday mornings. The Sunday morning blog post will contain everything that is due for that week, and will also contain some reminders. Since today marks the first day of our week, here is the 'official' post for this week. Please read all blog posts so far and make sure you follow any instructions I have posted here. At the start of the semester there are usually repetitive questions students have and my blog is a good place to get some answers.

Here is what's due for this week as listed on the Schedule Page on Blackboard:

1). Log onto Blackboard and start with the "Getting Started" page. Follow instructions on that page to get started in the course.

2). Due Date #1 - email instructor by Wednesday, Jan. 27th at 11:59pm from the email address you would like all class emails to go. Please include your full name, a contact phone number (preferably a cell #), and your intent to participate for the duration of the semester.

3). Due Date #2 - email instructor by Saturday, Jan. 30th at 11:59pm with the following (as noted on the "Getting Started Page" on Blackboard):
*Alias Name you have chosen for the semester
*Include a link to your blogspot webpage
*Phone number if not previously sent

4). Post to your blog an introductory post by Saturday, Jan. 30th at 11:59pm (preferably earlier). In this first post you should introduce yourself to the class. Talk a little about your 'communication experience', and let us know what you hope to get out of this course. Also talk a bit about your experience with online classes, and perhaps let us know what some of your interests are so we can get to know you better.

5). Review all pages on Blackboard. I have yet to post all course projects to Blackboard, but expect them sometime this week.

6). Review the Syllabus including the Late Work policy. I am strict about deadlines, so get to know the deadlines in this course well.

7). Review the Schedule Page and Participation Page.

8). Read Chapter 1 in your text - Small Group - Power, Definition and Attraction

9). Read over the Netiquette Homepage (including links) and Learn the Net: Netiquette.

Reminder #1 - I hold office hours on Tuesday's and Thursday's from 9am to 11am on Yahoo Messenger. This means that while I am working I keep Yahoo Messenger open. If you see me available that means I'm available to chat in real time. Go ahead and pop in if you'd like to chat with me. If you do chat, please follow normal pleasantries by using a greeting at the start of the conversation and a closing salutation at the end of the conversation. Many students have gotten into the habit of abruptly logging on and off without a word that the conversation is over.

Reminder #2 - This Thursday is a furlough day. That means that I will not hold office hours on that day. You will hear quite a bit about furlough days this semester, not only from me, but from other instructors on campus. If there is any confusion about furlough days, please email me.

Reminder #3 - Typical weeks run from Sunday morning at 12:01am to Saturday night at 11:59pm. Again, I'm a stickler about deadlines so get to know them well!

I will likely post again later or tomorrow. Until then.......

The Blogging Prof signing off!

Getting Started and Other Info

Hello Class! Allow me to extend an official Welcome to Comm 141P!!!

To get started in this course, please take the following steps:
1). Review the Blackboard website. You should have received information from SJSU instructing you on how to long into Blackboard. Review all pages on Blackboard and get to know the class well. (Blackboard should have opened up for you this morning).

2). Read over the "Getting Started" page straightaway. This page will direct you on what things you need to do to get started in the course.

3). Create a blogspot webpage @ When you do this, please create a new post immediately by introducing yourself to me and your classmates. If you create a blogspot webpage but do not immediately post, blogspot may flag your page and you may be locked out. So create the blog and post ASAP.

4). When creating a blog, make sure to choose an alias that is different than your name. You also need to follow these steps to make sure your Display Name is the same as the Alias Name you send me. *Create your blog. *Once your blog is created, go into your Dashboard. *Once in your Dashboard, click on "Edit Profile". *Look halfway down the page and make sure your Display Name is the same as the Alias Name you have chosen.

The Alias you choose is the name your colleagues will use for you. So, if you choose a name like "Pookie" as your alias, you will be known in this class as "Pookie".

5). Email me at with your Name, Email Address that you check often, your Alias Name, and a contact phone number - preferably a cell#.

6). Download Yahoo Messenger and add me as a friend: carolperezcommclass I will be holding most, if not all of my office hours online. You can chat with me at any time during my office hours, or anytime you see me online. I do not use Yahoo Messenger for personal use, so anytime I am logged on (which might be quite often), feel free to message me with any questions you might have.

7). Technical Support for Students having trouble logging into Blackboard:
For students have problems using Blackboard CE8 (eg. unable to log in, need password re-set, etc.), please contact San Jose State University's Informational Technology Support Services (ITSS) at 408-924-2377, or email at ITSS is located on the first floor of the Academic Success Center in Clark Hall, so students can speak with someone in-person if they so desire. This not was sent to me directly from SJSU.

From what I recall last semester, if you are having problems logging in to CE8/Blackboard, please call the help desk during normal hours, as sending them an email may take a day or two to respond.

I will update my blog again soon. Until then, have a fabulous day!

Friday, January 22, 2010


Greetings Students!

As most of you know the semester starts on January 26th. Most students are scrambling to fill their schedules for the coming semester, and with the shortage of classes, this is no easy task.

I want to make sure each of you were aware of a few things about Communication 141P online, Small Group Communication, before the semester begins:

1). The class you are enrolled in for Comm 141P is an online class. This means that most coursework is completed online and not in a classroom setting. This has confused some in the past.

2). There are no scheduled class meetings for this course. I will hold office hours online through Yahoo Messenger on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the semester. I will also answer email consistently.

3). If you need to contact me at anytime from this point forward, please DO NOT USE the sjsu email address that I have sent this message from. Rather, use the following email address:

4). Please bookmark my blog address:

I will make announcements, post class updates, and generally keep in touch with the class as a whole through my blog and through mass email. So bookmark my blog, and check it often.

Some of this information may seem a bit foreign to you, and will make more sense once you are able to access the class through Blackboard. Until Blackboard opens up for access, which should be a the day the semester begins, use the email address I have listed here, and check my blog for updates. During the semester I update my blog numerous times a week. Prior to the semester I will update periodically.

Again, if there are any questions about the course, please contact me at: and please bookmark my blog address at: and be sure to check it often!

I look forward to sharing this semester with you, and hope that your break has been an enjoyable one.

Carol-Lynn Perez, M.A.