Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Group Facilitation Reminders and Notes

Hello All!

I have already started receiving assignment submissions for the Group Facilitation Project. I have skimmed over a couple of them already and it seems like they are on target!

As a reminder, please have someone proof read your paper prior to submitting it to me. Have them check for sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, etc..... This will help you refine your paper, and make it more 'readable'.

Be sure to submit your youtube video as a link somewhere on your paper, or submit your audio tape to the Communication Studies Department office. I will not be by the office until next week, so I will extend the deadline for dropping off your audio tapes (or CD's) by Monday, March 1st. Since Friday is a furlough day, I will check to see if the Comm. Dept. office is open on Friday and post an update tomorrow (Thurs.). I will post the update to the bottom of this blog. I would hate for anyone to make a special trip down campus, only to find it closed. Look for an update tomorrow morning.

Friday is technically a furlough day, so I may not answer your emails confirming your paper submissions until Saturday.

Please submit your papers early. Every semester students push it to the very end, submitting papers at 11:59pm. While it's your decision to do this, a number of students have accidentally submitted papers late (after the 11:59pm deadline). As a reminder, if your paper is even 1 minute past the deadline it is considered late. Please review the late policy on the syllabus for information regarding a grade deduction for late submissions.

I will be available all day tomorrow on and off through email, and I will be holding normal office hours from 9am - 11am on Yahoo Messenger.

I'm very excited to read about your observations pertaining to the first assignment.

Until later.......

UPDATE: Friday is a furlough day. The Comm. Studies Office WILL NOT BE OPEN ON FRIDAY, FEB 26th. I have extended the deadline for tape/disk submission until Monday, March 1st. If you have uploaded your facilitation to youtube, please simply include a link on your final paper when you submit it.

When submitting your tape/disk, please ONLY submit the tape or disk as I will not be able to return individual tapes/disks to each person. Do not leave your tape recorder with the Comm. Studies Dept.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for all of the updates Carol. I really appreciate it.
