Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spring Forward!

Hello Folks!

Please remember to turn your clocks forward and hour tonight.

I will post again tomorrow morning. Have a fabulous Saturday!!! :)


  1. Professor Perez,

    Is it necessary to turn in at 10:59pm instead of 11:59pm tonight? My last blog completely finished and prepare to send at anytime. Please let me have your instruction asap.


  2. Since the clocks don't change until 2am on Sunday, there should be no problem with the blog timing.


  3. Professor Perez,

    I am experiencing the same problem as I did in week 1 and 3. I checked all of the comments that I made on my fellow students' blogs, and JPPS2010's blog is not showing that I commented. Although it says 0 comments for his question #1, if you click it, it will show my comment. I missed out on 8 points for this reason, and I still haven't been able to give it up because I know I did the work. I hope you can find all of my comments...thanks, and have a good weekend!
