Monday, May 10, 2010

Observation of an Outside Group Recap

Hello Class! I have had time to review some of the papers for the final assignment. I will be emailing everyone today with a confirmation email that I have received your paper.

The papers that I have reviewed so far have impressed me, and I can't wait to read the rest of them!!! This project seemed to be quite an enriching and enlightening experience. I must commend each and every one of you for the amount of effort you put into this semester. You all have done an AMAZING job on each of the assignments, and engaging in the discussions. I honestly wish that we were able to meet in person to discuss some of our experiences, especially with the final assignment.

You have read over this list before, but here is a reminder of what this semester was all about:

1). These objectives give you opportunity to see what other folks in the class are writing about and discussing.

2). Some of these assignments allows you to give your opinion about your colleagues writing.

3). The variety of assignments and different requirements will diversify your grading.

4). Each of these assignments are intellectually challenging.

5). The assignments increases diversity in the class on multiple levels.

6). Each assignment provides meaningful feedback, not only from the instructor, but from others in the class, thus diversifying grading, and understanding!

7). The assignments establish an atmosphere of community and enhanced learning.

8). Reinforces relevant course material from a number of different perspectives.

9). Helps you analyze complex and abstract ideas as presented by others relating to course material/content.

10). Applies course content in a real-world setting.

I hope that you all have a wonderful day today!

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