Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Movie Analysis Wrap Up

I returned the last few papers this afternoon. I must say, y'all did a bit better on this paper than the last. Too often students do not look at the grading sheet prior to turning in an assignment, but it looks like more folks have reviewed the grading sheet and applied the different areas to the assignment. I would encourage you to do the same for the final paper in the class.

The requirements of writing will be the same for the final paper as it has been for the past two assignments. Preview, review, transitions, quotes from the text, include outside sources, reference page, etc....

I'm excited about reading your final course projects. Since this is a "P" class, or in the practice category, each major course assignment in this class has required real world experience. Getting out of the classroom, and out of the course text is what this class is all about.

The first course project required you to facilitate a short group assignment. The second project required you to critically analyze a movie and apply group communication concepts. The final project in this course allows you to observe a small group in a real world setting and apply course concepts.

One of the things that is common among all assignments is the applicability of course concepts. Discussing course concepts during our discussion weeks, and applying concepts to a range of projects will likely help you to remember them for years to come.

Personal note: As an undergraduate at SJSU, I remember only a handful of classes, and even fewer concepts. When I became an instructor a number of years ago, I really tried to design my classes to be applicable to the real world. This is the very reason why I have required the students across all of my classes to participate in communication activities. Some folks learn a great deal from a book, others learn from hands on experience. In Comm 141P, you get the best of both worlds. We discuss concepts and theory, but we also apply those concepts in a real world setting in a variety of ways.

But enough about me! I hope you have enjoyed the projects in this course as much as I have enjoyed reading them.

Until tomorrow.......

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for returning the papers! I always look forward to getting feedback on how I did.

    So here's advice for my classmates. Definitely read the assignment sheet and grading criteria thoroughly. I think I must have forgotten to or maybe I read it too fast (I cant recall) because I did not put page numbers on my paper and lost 3 points! It was something that I could have very easily avoided and gotten 3 points for!
